Week 13 - Instrumental Variables

Content for week of Monday, November 29, 2021–Friday, December 3, 2021


Let’s wrap up with a final hurrah - one more empirical tool to help us identify causal impacts.

Reading Guide

Chapter 12: Instrumental Variables Regression

SW 12.1 The IV Estimator with a Single Regressor and a Single Instrument

Make sure you understand the difference between endogeneous variables (correlated with error term \(u\)) and exogenous variables (not correlated). The textbook covers two conditions for a valid instrument: relevance (\(corr(Z_i,X_i) \neq 0\)) and exogeneity (\(corr(Z_i,u_i) = 0\)). To make the assumptions of IV explicit, I prefer to include an exclusion assumption: that the instrument \(Z\) affects \(Y\) only through \(X\). If you come away from this section with the right vocabulary and a good intuition of what an instrument “does,” then you’re in good shape!

I find the derivation (in the text and video) helpful, but it’s not something I’d test you on.

SW 12.2 The General IV Regression Model

Now we get a bit technical. The key important things here are the understanding of two-stage least squares - what it is and how it works, plus a good understanding of those assumptions.

SW 12.3 Checking Instrument Validity

Make sure you know what a weak instrument is, why it’s a problem, and how we identify it. Make sure you understand the logic behind whether an instrument violates it’s exogeneity assumption.

Skip the test of overidentifying restrictions

SW 12.4-12.6 The Other Stuff

Good content and examples, but nothing new.

Other resources

Getting your head around IV can be tricky! Here are a few resources if you want to get another take: